Everyone has a story to tell—a love story, a baby story, a story about a special friendship or a loved one, a favorite pet, or an important event. Your stories weave your history.
How many times have you looked at a photo taken years or even months ago and struggled to remember the details—the event, the person, or the place—something you thought you would never forget?
You can place your photos in a book, but does that truly add to the details of the memory?
Storybooking is more than gluing pictures into an album or scrapbook. Through storybooking, we can share photos along with the stories that bring them to life.
It is a simple, fun, and powerful way to preserve, cherish, and share our stories with family and others through unique, personalized storybooks.
Storybooking captures and preserves the images and stories of events, heroes, and heritage—memories that may otherwise be lost when all that remains are pictures.

Steps to Create Your Storybook
Decide on your focus. What is the main idea you want to communicate? Is it fact or fiction?
Choose your theme. What kind of story do you want to share? Will it be funny, scary, happy, informative, or realistic?
Plan your beginning and end. Think of a strong opening sentence and jot it down. Then, decide on the ending. Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Organize your resources. Consider what visuals you will use—photos, graphics, illustrations, or clip art.
Storyboard your layout. Use your beginning sentence as the first storyboard. Add pages to map out your ideas, placing key words and phrases on each page. Later, refine the details and rewrite sentences for clarity and continuity.
Gather your materials. Identify the supplies you need for each page and assemble them in your workspace.
Write and add captions. Insert captions for each page in your storyboard. Edit and rewrite as needed to ensure your story says exactly what you want.
Put it all together. Combine your text, photos, and embellishments to complete your storybook.
Enjoy and share! Celebrate your creation by sharing it with others.
Writing Supplies
String for Binding