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Dreams for the future

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How to make this day extra special  for your child

Join in the FREE celebration

Saturday, April 12, 2025

10:00AM - 2:00PM

UTSA Downtown Campus 

Bill Miller Plaza

Participate in the children's parade starting at 10 am

Create a Milagro for your Family

Enjoy music, activities, food and drink.

  • Make time for undivided attention.

  • Put away the phone, turn off the TV, sit together, and talk about dreams for the future. Make eye contact. Listen. Respond.

  • Sit close and be engaged. Start a conversation. “What makes you happy?” “What’s your favorite thing to do? Could that be your job when you are older?”

  • Talk about your family and tell family stories.

  • Look at family photos and talk about what was happening in them.

  • Show photos of how your child has grown and changed over the years. Ask them what they remember.

  • Take a walk in the neighborhood, in the backyard, at a park. Look for birds, bugs, and butterflies.

  • On your walk, pick up a flat rock to take home and paint. Add a favorite word and put the rock in your garden.

  • Play a game, maybe Loteria or Dominoes or any family favorite.

  • For little ones, create a treasure hunt with letters in your child’s name. For example, Charlie could look around the house for a C-cuchara, H-hammer, A-aretes, R-red marker, L-lemon, I-picture of an iguana, and E-egg.

  • Have a dance or singing contest with older kids. Do they recognize songs from when you were their age? Do you recognize their favorite songs? Sing, dance, exercise together, and create a video! Upload it to TikTok!

  • Compete to see who knows more text shortcuts,  i.e.: LOL, YOLO, CUL8R, ADM. OMW

  • Use positive words, “and” instead of “but”

  • Find ways to tell your child that they are important

Our Valued Partners & Sponsors


The opportunities for gathering and sharing traditions with loved ones gives us many opportunities to pass our stories on to generations new to the traditions and allow us to make new memories that will last a lifetime. Help SOMOS CULTURA Y MÁS keep those traditions alive by donating.


Throughout its history in the United States, El Día de los Niños has been about creating cultural understanding and identity among children and youth. Activities in each city are designed to reflect the ethnicities and languages of the community. One element always featured in every event is making milagritos. These hand-made art pieces have been used for centuries to petition better health, special intervention, and good fortune.

The young people participating in the celebration express their wishes and dreams for the future through the milagritos they create from paper, wood, plastic, fabric, feathers, ribbon, yarn and stickers. The finished pieces are hung on a display where everyone can read the messages.

Year after year, we compare the children’s messages with those of national data about the state of our country’s children, and always the children’s messages reflect recurring themes…love for family, dreams of college, wishes for a better home, desire for less violence, frustration with bullies and gangs, love of pets and the environment, and a hope for a peaceful future with no wars, guns, or fear.

Every school, church, organization that serves young people and family throughout the region can create these messages of hope and to display in malls, schools, and libraries where everyone can see them. The messages will guide our city as it explores the future and how policy affects young people.

Join us in supporting this citywide celebration that recognizes the role young people will play in our future.

Be part of the
Milagros Exhibit

Join us at the Día del Niño Family Festival

Saturday, April 12, 2025

10:00AM - 2:00PM

UTSA Downtown Campus 

Bill Miller Plaza

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