A milagro, in Spanish, is a miracle or a surprise. It is also the name for small amulets or charms that have been used for centuries to petition better health, guidance, protection and good fortune. Also called ex-voto or promesas, the use of these small religious folk charms originated in Spain and Portugal and was brought to the Americas by Spaniards centuries ago. A petitioner prays for a miracle or milagro to address a particular need and leaves their petition/prayer in a place that is meaningful to them or in a chapel or church.
Milagros can be fabricated from many different types of materials. For example, they might be nearly flat or fully three-dimensional; and they can be constructed from gold, silver, tin, lead, wood, bone, or wax. Sometimes people carry a milagro in their pocket or on a ribbon around their neck for protection or good luck.
This art activity using the tradition of the milagros will create a vehicle for young people to express their wishes and dreams for the future. We will use cards to write each child’s wish or dream, their milagrito. The cards can be cut into different shapes like a heart, or a house, or a cloud, or a variety of different things as inspired by the child’s milagro and decorated using special things you have on hand and illustrated by the children.

How to Make the Milagritos
Explain what a milagro is and show pictures of traditional milagros. Explain that their milagrito can be whatever their dream or wish is and help them verbalize and write it. Young children might need help writing their wish.
Help the children decide on the shape they want to use, Older students can cut whatever shape they want. It can also remain a square or rectangle. If you have access to a school or teacher workroom, you might also use a die cut machine to make different shapes.
Guide the child to write the dream/wish on the card. They can add their first name, age, school, and city or state if they want. (No last names)
They can illustrate and decorate the card using glitter, ribbons, stickers, photos, or whatever is available to express their creativity.
Punch a hole in to top of the milagro and attach yarn or ribbon to tie it onto the display.
If you cannot hang your milagros on the display, take a photo and email it to:
• Card Stock or index cards
• Scissors
• Glue
• Hole puncher
• Markers
• Crayons
• Paint
• Glitter
• Buttons
• Feathers
• Fabric
• Stickers or other ephemera
• Magazine photos
• Family photos
• Yarn or ribbon