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Huichol  Ojo de dios

The Huichol people of Mexico's Sierra Madre live in small communities and use yarn and wood pieces to create the eye of god. They are created as gifts and are an easy art piece for children to make. The Ojo de Dios is a symbol of the power of seeing and understanding unseen things.


Sometimes the Huichol people create the central eye when a child is born. Each year, a bit of yarn is added until the child turns five at which point the Ojo is complete. Others create the entire and sometimes elaborate Ojo to protect the child and it is given at the birth of the child. The Ojo is hung on a crib, a stroller, in the car or wherever we want to provide that extra protection for the child.


The Ojo project is also a beautiful ornament to be hung on a Christmas tree.


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How to Make an Ojo de Dios

1. Project Preparation - Glue two sticks together in a cross. Use a strong white glue. Let the glue dry. This may take several minutes.

2. Select the Yarn - While the glue is drying, sort through the yarn and select three or four colors for your God's Eye. Pick colors that go well together and try to include some light colors and dark colors.


3. Wrap the Yarn - Take one color of yarn and wrap it over and around one stick, then on a diagonal to the next stick and over and around it, on the diagonal to the next stick and over and around it, and so on. Continue for four or more turns around the cross, until the eye is as large as you want. Catch the tail of the yarn as you wrap, so it is held in place. Tie a length of another color of yarn onto the first one with a tight knot. Wrap the yarn around the arms of the cross as before. Make as many turns around the cross as you like to form a narrow or wide band of this color. Repeat for each additional color until finished.


4. Finish the God’s Eye Glue the final yarn end to the back of the cross to hold it in place. Make a hanger for the God’s Eye with a length of yarn glued or tied to the sticks. You might also add some decorations—tie on some feathers, add a tassel made from yarn, or attach a string of beads. Use your imagination! That's it! You’ve created an Ojo de Dios.


• Lots of different colors of yarn

• Lots of brightly colored yarn

• Scissors

• Glue

• Popsicle sticks or bamboo skewers

• ¼” dowel sticks for very large displays

ojo de dios.jpeg

Tip: It's also fun to make God's Eyes with variegated yarn. For younger children, you can just use a single variegated yarn and avoid the need to tie on other colors

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