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In every region of Mexico, embroidery is used to enhance the traditional garments of the people. You can tell where something was made by the weave of the textile or the embroidered trim. In some communities, embroidery was used to tell the story of the community by creating images with the thread in the same way that we use photos with scrapbooks today. Artisans in Michoacan still tell stories with thread. Here is an example:


How to embroider

1. Talk about embroidery – Introduce yourself then the art form by asking if children have seen embroidery at home. Display the sample of an authentic embroidery. Talk about how stories are told through the designs that people embroider on textiles. The stitches on some blouses represent the sun, corn, birds, flowers or other forms of nature.


2. Set-up – Give each child a burlap square and a marker. Ask them to pick a simple pattern to trace onto the burlap. Trace around the pattern with the marker.


3. Select yarn and a matching needle – The younger the child, the more blunt the needle and the thicker the yarn. Use the metal needles only with children over 6 years.


4. Demonstrate the stitches – Introduce the simplest stich first. The children will outline the design with the outline stitch.


5. Other designs – other stitches can be used to fill in the image or write the child’s name on the bottom.


6. Finish – Give each child their finished art piece. Be sure to collect the needles and hoops. Then set up for the next group of children.


  • Burlap fabric cut into 12” squares Embroidery hoop

  • Yarn needles with big eye

  • Thin yarn or embroidery floss Simple pattern or design

  • Marker

  • Sample stitches finished sample

embroidery stitches.jpg

The opportunities for gathering and sharing traditions with loved ones gives us many opportunities to pass our stories on to generations new to the traditions and allow us to make new memories that will last a lifetime. Help SOMOS CULTURA Y MÁS keep those traditions alive by donating.

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